Containing the biblical text for the Book of Job, along with the popular Glossa ordinaria, this large-scale example of a “glossed Bible” produced in a professional Parisian workshop in the thirteenth century must come from a multi-volume set that was, based on fifteenth-century inscription, in the library of the celebrated Monastery of Klausen near Trier, a member of the Windesheim Congregation.
1.Although this manuscript is not dated or localized, it bears all the feature of Parisian production of the second quarter of the thirteenth century (see P. Stirnemann, 1990, pp. 67-68, nos. 28-31). The large opening parti-colored initials with elaborate penwork (both infill and springing marginal extensions) suggest the years 1230-1250 for this manuscript (Stirnemann,1990, no. 28, Paris, BnF, MS lat. 2447, dated after 1233; no. 29, Paris, BnF, MS lat. 15239, Peter Lombard, Commentary on the Pauline Epistles, dated 1239 [see also Cat. mss. datés, III, p. 409]; no. 30, Paris, BnF, MS lat. 8884, dated 1233-1243 [see also Branner,1977, no. 208, “Dominican“]). The smaller initials with more modest pen flourishing are also close to a manuscript dated circa 1240-1250 (Stirnemann, 1990, p. 68, no. 31: Paris, BnF, MS lat. 15756).
2.Later fifteenth-century inscription copied in bottom margin of first folio reads “Codex b[ea]te marie v[ir]gi[n]is in Ev[er]hartzcluse[n] Tr[ecensis] dioces[is] ordi[ni]s cano[n]icor[um] r[e]gulariu[m].” This is Eberhardsklausen (Everdi Clusa), often referred to as Klausen, a monastery of Augustinian Canons Regular near Trier founded in 1449 by a simple vintner called Everard and recognized by the archbishops of Trier in 1456. The convent joined the Windesheim Congregation before 1464 (see Cottineau, I, 1018; Gallia Christiana, XIII, 621; DHGE, XIV, 1304-1305). An important number of the manuscripts and books that once formed part of the library of Eberhardsklausen are now in the Stadtsbibliothek in Trier. Regarding the house and its members, see Clausen (1908), and particularly the study on the monastic library by Dohms (1968) who discusses the scribal and binding activities of the congregation and the dispersal of the monastic library in 1802. Many manuscripts were seized between 1802 and 1804 by French commissioners such as Jean-Baptiste Maugérard, during the French occupation of Rhineland (see B. Savoy, Patrimoine annexé…, Paris, 2003). Some manuscripts and incunables eventually went to the Stadtsbibliothek and the Priesterseminarbibliothek in Trier, others to the BnF in Paris, to Bonn, to Brussels (see studies on located manuscripts having belonged to Eberhardsklausen now in public collections by Schiel [1960] and by Bushey [1996]). Another fifteenth-century inscription is copied in the upper margin of the same first folio: “Liber Job cu[m] glosa et moralitatibus cum epistolas [Iacobi, Petri, Iohanni, Iude et actibus et apocalyspsum].” The words placed here in square brackets have been erased but are still legible. The present manuscript was once bound with a copy of Glossed Epistles (which accounts for the dangling but still legible “cum epistolas” in the inscription), Acts of the Apostles and Apocalypse, also described on this site. Codicological features corroborate this fact: the “sister” manuscript that contains the Glossed Epistles takes up the contemporary quire signatures where the present Job breaks off, presents the same pink leather tabs, and is unquestionably copied by the same hands with a similar page layout and the same contemporary interlinear and marginal cursive annotations.
Biblia latina cum Glossa Ordinaria. Anastatical reproduction of the first printed edition, Strasbourg, circa 1480, with an introduction by M.T. Gibson & K. Froelich, Turnhout, Brepols, 1992.
Branner, Robert. Manuscript Painting in Paris during the Reign of Saint Louis, Berkeley and Los Angeles, Unversity of California Press, 1977.
Bushey, Betty. Die deutschen und niederlandischen Handschriften der Stadtbibliothek Trier bis 1600, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1996.
Clausen, J. Eberhards-Clausen, Kloster und Wallfahrtsort, Trier, 1908.
Conzemius, V. “Eberhards-Clausen,” in Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, tome XIV, Paris, Letouzey et Ané, 1960 [DHGE].
Cottineau, L.-H. Répertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieurés, Mâcon, Protat frères, 1935-1970.
De Hamel, C. Glossed Books of the Bible and the Origins of the Paris Booktrade, Woodbridge, D.S. Brewer, 1987 (2nd edition).
Drogin, M. Anathema ! Medieval Scribes and the History of Book Curses, Totowa, Allanheld, Osmun & Co., 1983.
Dohms, Peter. Die Geschichte des Klosters und Wallfahrtsortes Eberhardsklausen an der Mosel von den Anfängen bis zur Auflösung des Klosters im Jahre 1802, Bonn, L. Röhrscheid, 1968 [Rheinisches Archiv, 64].
Lobrichon, Guy. “Une nouveauté: les gloses de la Bible,” in Le Moyen Age et la Bible [Bible de tous les temps], Paris, Beauchesne, 1984, pp. 95-114.
Migne, J.-P. Patrologia Latina. Saeculum IX. Walafridi Strabi Fuldensis Monachi Opera Omnia […], tomus 113, Turnhout, Brepols, 1995, col. 747-840.
Savoy, B. Patrimoine annexé. Les biens culturels saisis par la France en Allemagne autour de 1800, Paris, Ed. de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 2003.
Schiel, H. “Die Auflosung der Trierer Kloster- und Stiftsbibliotheken und die Entfremdung von Trierer Handschriften durch Maugérard,” in Armaria Treverensia, Beiträge zur Trierer Bibliothekgeschichte, Trier, 1960, pp. 57-81.
Schiel, H. “Handschriften aus Trier und aus Klöstern und Stiften des Trierer Raumes in Brüssel und Gent,” in Armaria Treverensia, Beiträge zur Trierer Bibliothekgeschichte, Trier, 1960, pp. 83-92.
Smalley, B. The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1983 (3rd edition).
Stegmüller, F. Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi. Commentaria. Auctores A-G, II, pp. 112, no. 1356.
Stegmüller, F. Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi. Supplementi Altera Pars Glossa ordinaria, IX, p. 485-486, no. 11800.
Stirnemann, P. “Fils de la vierge. L’initiale filigranée parisienne, 1140-1314,” Revue de l’Art, 90 (1990), pp. 58-73.
Wielockx, R. “Autour de la “Glossa Ordinaria,” Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale, 49 (1983), pp. 222-228.
On the Canons Regular of St-Augustine
Digitalized images of Glossed Sapiential Books, with similar page layout