TextmanuscriptTextmanuscripts - Les Enluminures

les Enluminures

MARTINUS BOSCHMAN, Paradisus precum …

In Latin, illustrated manuscript on paper, with 221 engravings
Poland, Pelplin, 1610

TM 402

i (marbled paper) + iii (paper) + 373 + ii (paper) + i (marbled) ff. on paper (no visible watermarks), modern foliation, top outer corner in pencil, apparently complete, but too tightly bound for actual collation, suggested collation based on signatures (collation i7 ii-iii8 iv10 v8 vi11 vii16 viii-x12 xi-xii11 xiii14 xiv9 xv12 xvi10 xvii9 xvii9 xviii11 xix10 xx12 xxi10 xxii19 xxiii-xxiv13 xxv12 xxvi14 xxvii-xxxi [quires ee, ff, gg, hh, ii, 45 folios, no signatures, structure uncertain, number of quires based on extant signatures] xxxii5 xxxiii12 xxxiv10 xxxv7), each quire, except quires 27-31, signed at the beginning with a small majuscule letter, most pages end with horizontal catchwords, written by at least two scribes in very fine upright roman and italic scripts imitating printed type in twenty-nine to thirty three long lines, no visible ruling (justification 112-110 x 68-65 mm.), red rubrics, Holy names copied in gold, one-line red initials, three- to two-line red, black, gold, and silver initials, with stenciled (?) decoration in the same or contrasting colors, ornamental head- and tail- pieces throughout, title page, front flyleaf, f. iii, full-page pen-and-ink Renaissance cartouche enclosing the title in red ink, illustrated with 221 engravings, ranging in size from very small oval images to full-page, many very skillfully pasted in, the remainder full-page with text surrounding the engraving, in excellent condition, although the paper has darkened and some edges are brittle, especially around the pasted-in engravings. Bound in Paris in nineteenth-century brown morocco by Bauzonnet (binders stamp, inside front cover), gilt center ornaments (filigree forming crosses), front and back covers, spine with five raised bands, “Paradisus Precum,” and hearts pierced with spears, gold-tooled turn-ins, gilt edges, marbled endpapers, in excellent condition, with slight wear on spine and outer edges; modern drop front buckram box. Dimensions 122 x 78 mm.

Illustrated by 220 engravings, this ex-Rothschild manuscript forms a remarkable collection of engravings by artists specializing in engravings of religious subjects in the early seventeenth century. The majority of the engravings (115) are by the Wierix brothers, who were among the most productive engravers in Antwerp c. 1600, and about 10% of the prints are unrecorded. The engravings are an integral part of the text, which is a carefully thought-out collection of prayers and spiritual exercises, designed to enrich the interior spiritual life of a devout monk.


1. Written in 1610 by Martin Boschman, who describes himself as “Gedanensem [Gdansk] professum et suppriorem Polplinensem” (title page). The Cistercian monastery at Pelplin in Pomerania (modern Poland), was founded in 1276, and was an important medieval foundation; after a period of decline during the fifteenth century (due to plague and reversals during the Reformation), it was revived and brought back to an observant life by the Abbot Miko³aj Kostra (1592-1610), and prospered for many years; it was suppressed in 1823. This manuscript is thus a witness to the liturgical life of the Abbey during an important moment in its history.

2. Belonged to Baron James de Rothschild (1792-1868), no. 25, MS 76; round printed ex-libris from his library, verso front flyleaf. The Baron James de Rothschild, prominent banker, owner of a world-renowned vineyard, and adviser to two French kings, was one of the wealthiest men in the world, and a famous collector of art. This was one of the books looted by the Nazis and kept at Neuschwanstein (see C. de Hamel, 2004, cited on pp. 49 and 57, with the number of illustrations incorrectly given after the inventories).


[front flyleaf, f. iii, blank on verso;Title page] Paradisus precvm selectarum quibus deuota anima sese oblectari in dies poterit per fratrem Martinum Boschman Gedanensem professum et Suppriorem Polpinensem Anno 1610.

ff. 1-66v, Excitatus [sic] ad matutinas deuotus coenobita confestim se cum honestate maxima erigat et sedens in stratu sequens crucis signanaculo muniens dicat, In nomine Patris …; f. 2v, Tres preparations ad diuinum officium …, f. 3, Pro illuminatione mentis deuotissima haud incongrue ante diuinum officum vsurpanda ex Thoma de Kempis, Clarifica me bone Iesu claritate eterni lumina …Vale suffragium cum ad lectum imus. Hymnus. Christe qui lux es … aut deuota aspirations repellere. Et sic est finis exercitii diurnius;

Spiritual exercises, including preparation for the Divine Office, Mass, and prayers for daily activities including working, going to bed, etc. As the rubric to the prayer on f. 3 makes clear, the emphasis is on achieving the proper state of mind for focused devotion. In addition to Thomas à Kempis, other named authors include Thomas Aquinas and Jean Gerson. F. 59v, John the Baptist is named as the special patron of “our order.”

ff. 67-94v, Sequuntur Exercitia et orationes contritionii et poenitentia, Precatio poenitentis se mole peccatorum nimis …, Heu mihi infelix anima, in tantis peccatorum …; f. 80v, Sequitur formula confitendi …;

Spritual Exercises focusing on penance and confession.

ff. 95-187, Praefatio insequentia exercitia ante et post missam uel communionem, Quia infra omnia exercitia spiritualia …., f. 112, Sequitur exercitum praedictum ante missam, …, f. 117v, Prima pars orationis quae vocatur Cartusia ad Patrem. Creator omnium rerum Deus Pater omnipotens initium non recipit …, f. 127v, Effusio cordis item alia ante Missam …, f. 132, Exercitium purgatorium quotidianum in quinque vulneribus Christi ad sacrificandum … f. 180v, Suspiria mentis et aspirationes ad Deum et ignita quaedam amoris iacula …, Quisquis charitatem Dei sine qua nulli vnquem …;

Again, the emphasis on interior spirituality is evident; for example, f. 127v, emphasizing the “overflowing” of the heart before Mass, or f. 132, the daily meditation on the five wounds of Christ; the prayer on f. 117v, is accompanied by an engraving of St. Bruno.

ff. 187v-195v, Litaniae de Venerabili Sacramento, …, f. 188, Precationes ad S. Trinitatem, …, f. 191, Commenariolus siue breuis expositio singularum dictionum orationis dominicae accomodata ad meditationum …, Pater: Excelsus in creatione. Suauis in amore …; f. 193, Litaniae de Sanctissimo nomine Iesu, …;

ff. 196-248, Rosarii orandi facillima et vltissima ratio, Rosarii constat oratione Dominica …, f. 230v, Psalterium B. Virginis compositum ex terquinquaginta verbis, Ave, venerabilis venustate moris virginis …, f. 247v, Sertum B V Mariae quinque partitum vita et gestis christi pulchre ex ornatum ex libello Francisci Arias Soc. Iesu de Rosario …,

Devotions centering on the Virgin Mary; the prayer on f. 247v is by Franciscus Arias, a Spanish Jesuit who lived from 1533-1606.

ff. 248v-308, Devotions centering on the Angels and Saints;

ff. 308v-339v, Penitential Psalms and Litany; f. 33v, Litany for the Sick; f. 334v, Litany for the Dead, f. 334v, and the “Dies irae”;

ff. 340-348v, Precationes ad honorandam ac meditandam sacratissimam Iesu Christi passionem, …;

ff. 349-362, Rythmica oratio divi Bernardi Abbatis ad vnumquidlibet membrorum Christi patientis et a cruce pendentis cum aliis septem S. Pet. Canis. Soc. Iesu interpostitis. Ad Pedes., Salve mundi salutare …;

The Jesuit, St. Peter Canisius, lived from 1521-1597.

ff. 362v-372, Horae de Dolore Beatae Mariae Virginis quas composit dominus Ioannes Papa XXII…; f. 372v, Litaniae de sanguine Domine noster Iesu Christi … [f. 373v, blank].


Measurements include print and text, if present. Measurements often differ slightly from published references, probably because some of the prints were trimmed, or because of the difficulty of measuring accurately within the binding.

Abbreviations: M-H: Mauquoy-Hendrickx, Marie, Les Estampes des Wierix conserves au Cabinet des Estampes de la Bibliothèque royal Albert Ier: Catalogue raisonné, Brussels, 1978-83.

A: Louis Alvin, Catalouge raisonné de l’oeuvre gravé des trois frères, Jean, Jérôme et Antoine Wierix (Brussels 1866, with Supplements 1870 and 1873).

New Hollstein: The New Hollstein. Dutch and Flemish Etchings, Engravings, and Woodcuts 1450-1700. The Wierix Family, by Zsuzsanna van Ruyven-Zeman and Marjolein Leesberg, Rotterdam: Sound and Vision Publishers, 2004.

Signatures on engravings have also been abbreviated; for example “Hieronimus Wierix fecit et excudit”: H W f et ex.

f. 1, IN HOC SIGNO VINCES: Cross with the Lamb of God, “Haec tibi dat vitam Crux, …” Signed L.B. 78 x 64 mm. (glued in)

f. 18, Infant Jesus Blessing, “Estote prudentes sicut serpents …”; H. W. f et ex. 84 x 60 mm. M-H 475, A. 1116, New Hollstein 426 (glued in)

f. 19, St. Stanislaus Kostka kneeling before the Virgin and Child; no text or signature. 97 x 73 mm. M-H 819, A. 575, New Hollstein, 1568. (glued in)

f. 21, Virgin (standing), and Child in a circle of Roses; no signature. 83 x 63. (glued in)

f. 24, The Lamb of God; no signature. Small oval, 25 x 22 mm. (glued in). No text of signature. Possibly a copy of M-H 584bis, A 17, New Hollstein 672 by Ioan. Wierix.

f. 25, The Heavenly and Earthly Trinities (Youthful Jesus flanked by Mary and Joseph, walking), “Iesus matris deliciae ..”; no signature. 90 x 68 mm. Unrecorded, but cf. M-H 471e, A. 1267 and 1268, New Hollstein, 771. Our print is reversed, lacks frame and accompanying medallions. (original)

f. 26, John the Evangelist, no signature; small oval image, 22 x 18 mm. (glued in)

f. 27, St. Benedict and Scholastica, flanking the Virgin and Child, with the “Congreation B. Maria P before them, “Benedictionem dabit legislator …”; Paris, Thomas de Leu sculp. 1600. 78 x 53 mm. (glued in)

f. 28, S. MARIA MAGDALENA, “Deus meus et omnia”; Anton W. fecit. Hier. exc. 82 x 55 mm. Not recorded, but cf. M-H 1234 and New Hollstein 1594, 85 x 61 mm. A. W. fe. (glued in)

f. 30, Virgin and Child standing on the Crescent, surrounded by the rosary, “Proli ex more suae …”; no signature. 92 x 68 mm. (original)

f. 31, Heart with Jesus and Instruments of Passion; no text or signature. Small oval, 23 x 18 mm. (glued in)

f. 33, Man of Sorrows (Jesus kneeling on the cross on the ground), “Parce domino parce populo tuo”; no signature. 63 x 43 mm. (glued in)

f. 48, Christ at the foot of the Cross, “Adeamus ergo cum fiducia …”; Anton W f. Hier W exc. 80 x 58 mm. (original). M-H 528 II, A. 196, New Hollstein 637.

f. 50, Mocking of Christ, “Ego sum veronis ..” H. W. f et ex. 89 x 60 mm. (original) M-H 304, A. 206, New Hollstein 332.

f. 52, Annunciation, “Ave gratia plena …”; H. W. f et ex. 101 x 70 mm. (original) M-H 229, A. 144, New Hollstein 124.

f. 53, Virgin sewing, with youthful Christ reading, “Diffusa est gratia ..”; no signature. 77 x 45 mm. (glued in)

f. 54, Healing miracle with Christ and the Apostles; C. de Mallery excudit. 108 x 68 mm. (original)

f. 56, Mary Magdalene repentant, “In flagella paratus sum …”; Hier. W. f et ex. 84 x 62 mm. (original) M-H 1242, A. 1024, New Hollstein 1613 (before 1619).

f. 58, Virgin on Crescent in the Clouds, “Pulchra vt luna …”; H f et ex. 93 x 58 mm. (original) M-H 707a, A. 51, New Hollstein 915 (after Johannes Strandanus).

f. 59v, John the Baptist; Anton W. f. 88 x 66 mm. (glued in). M-H 1173, A. 968, New Hollstein 15475, with text “Qualis erit ..” (trimmed away on above copy).

f. 60v, Christ as Sacrificial Lamb, “Oves meae ..” H. W. f. et ex. 83 x 60 mm. (original) M-H 513, A. 1100, New Hollstein 663.

f. 61, Mary, “Non vocetis me …” H. W. f. et ex. 82 x 62 mm. (original) M-H 795, A. 558, New Hollstein 664 (this print and the previous print are catalogued as companion pieces in the New Hollstein; note they appear on a single opening here).

f. 63, Man of Sorrows, “Livore eius…:”; H. W. f. et ex. 84 x 64 mm. (original) M-H 531, A. 1142, New Hollstein 641.

f. 65, Virgin gazing on the Sleeping Jesus, “Ecce tu pulcher es …”; no signature. 92 x 63 mm. (original). Very crisp print, not recorded, but cf. M-H 462, A. 588 and 589, New Hollstein 779, copies signed H W fe et ex, and with differences in the rays and the layout of the text.

f. 68v, The Sinner, “SPECULVM PECCATORIS, Si omnia ista”; H. W. f. et ex. 86 x 63 mm. (original). M-H 1475, A. 1239, New Hollstein 1794.

f. 70, Christ as the Sacrificial Lamb, see above, f. 60v (here glued in).

f. 72, Mary Magdalene Repentant, “S. MAGDALENA,” 110 x 76 (original), no signature. Unrecorded copy of M-H 1248, A. 1026, New Hollstein 1614 by Hieronymus Wierix, 97 x 71 mm., our print reversed, with different text, and size, lacking signature.

f. 73, Crucifixion, “O vos omnes qui …,” 122 x 77 (original, full page), signature trimmed (?). Unrecorded copy (?) with similarities to M-H 318, A. 247 and 248, New Hollstein 354, our print with changes in size and composition.

f. 74v, Mary Magdalene, “S. Maria Magdalena soror Lazari,” 97 x 68 mm. (original), H. W. exc. M-H 1236, A. 1032, New Hollstein 1313.

f. 75, Lazarus, “S. Lazarus Episcopus frater Magdalena et Martha,” 97 x 68 mm. (original), H. W. exc. M-H 1216, A. 1003, New Hollstein 1312.

f. 76, Crucifixion, small oval, 29 x 22 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 79v, St. Jerome, “Iusti vocabulum non amittit …,” 83 x 62 mm. H. W. f et exc., MH 1195, A. 984, New Hollstein 1244 II.

f. 83v, Infant Christ Bearing the Cross, “In laboribus a iuvente mea,” 83 x 62 mm. (original) H. W. f et ex, M-H 484, A. 1105, New Hollstein 436.

f. 86, Man of Sorrows, “Vulneratus est …,” 100 x 67 mm. (original) A. W. f. H. W. exc. M-H 533 II, A. 1149, New Hollstein 618 II.

f. 87, Mater Dolorosa, “O quam tristis et afflicta …” 103 x 68 mm. (original), M. de Vos invent. H. W. exc. Cf. M-H 781, A. 559, New Hollstein 926 (after Maarten de Vos), with signature: M. de Vos invent. A. W. exc. Our print is a rediscovered copy, unknown to M-H and New Hollstein; a print with the signature found in our copy was recorded by Alvin, but not traced by M-H, and therefore left out of New Hollstein.

f. 88v, Man of Sorrows, 67 x 44 mm. (glued in), trimmed and lacking text and signature. M-H 528, A. 196, New Hollstein 637 (by Antoinus Wierix, II).

f. 91, “Ecce homo,” 92 x 67 mm. (original), no signature. Unrecorded print, cf. M-H 518a, A. 216, New Hollstein 605, our print in the same direction as New Hollstein 605, but with legend.

f. 92, St. Bernard, “Diui Bernardi, Vera effiges ..” 58 x 35 mm. (glued in), I. G. Thome excu.

f. 95v, St. Bernard and the Miracle of Lactation, “Monstra te esse matrem …” 93 x 65 mm. (original) H. W. f et ex. M-H 1082, A. 864, New Hollstein 1361.

f. 97, Annunciation to the Shepherds, “Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntas,” 119 x 77 mm. (full page, original), no signature.

f. 100v, St. Lawrence, “S. LAURENTIUS MARTYR, Caro mea igne cremata est …,” 81 x 60 mm. (glued in), A. W. f et ex. M-H 1214, A. 1001, New Hollstein 1570 I.

f. 101, St Stephen, “S. STEPHANUS PROTOMARTYR, Caro mea lapidata est …,” 81 x 60 mm. (glued in), A. W. f et ex. M-H 1123, A. 903, New Hollstein 1571 I.

f. 102, St. John the Evangelist, “Si mortiferum quid biberint,” 84 x 62 mm. (original), H. W. f et ex. M-H 1170, A. 972 and 704, New Hollstein 1098.

f. 103, St. Anthony Abbot, “Antonius abbas vixit …,” 80 x 58 mm. (glued in), Ant. Wierx fe. H. W. ex. M-H 1058 II, A. 841, New Hollstein 1326 II.

f. 104, The Blood of Christ, “FONS VITAE,” 85 x 61 mm. (original), Hier. W. f et ex. M-H 581, A. 1171, New Hollstein 662.

f. 107, Removing Christ from the Cross (Cross is on the ground; soldiers shown removing the spikes which attach Christ to the Cross), 123 x 78 mm. (full page, original), no signature.

f. 108, Christ standing in a Chalice, small oval 23 x 18 mm. (glued in) no text or signature, M-H 1178bis, A 17, M-H 671 (Johan. Wierix).

f. 109, Descent from the Cross, “Deponentes Iesum de ligno …,” 102 x 67 mm. (original), Hier W f et ex. M-H 362 I, A. 259 and 260, New Hollstein 379.

f. 110, Pietà, small oval, 27 x 20 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 110v, Virgin and Child with St. Anne, small oval, 33 x 29 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 112v, Mary, “S. DEI GENETRIX MARIA, Ego mater pulchrae dilectionis,” 80 x 58 mm. (glued in), Ant. W f. H. W. exc. M-H 955 II, A. 699, 37 and 42, New Hollstein 574.

f. 113, Jesus, the Savior, “SALVATOR MUNDI, Venite ad me omnes,” 80 x 58 mm. (glued in), A W f. H. W. exc. M-H 954 III, A. 698 and 24, New Hollstein 575.

f. 115, Christ’s Face Weaping, “Non est species …,” 90 x 58 mm. (original), C. de Mallery fe.

f. 117, Virgin, Crowned and Child, 54 x 34 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 118, St. Bruno, “S. BRUNO, Ecce elongavi …,” 103 x 70 mm. (original), no signature, but with monogram; New Hollstein 1370, copy b, engraved monogrammist PDL of LPD; cf. M-H 1084b.

f. 121, S. Francis, “S. FRANCISCUS. Gloriabor in cruce Domini …,” 103 x 70 mm. (glued in), M. de Vos invent. Car. de Mallery fecit et excud. Unrecorded copy; cf. M-H 1136, A. 917, New Hollstein 1436 by Hieronimus Wierix, our print is reversed and larger, with differences in composition (lacking table and book) and text.

f. 123, Trinity, the Dead Christ on the knees of God the Father, “Sic Deus dilexit mundum …,” 93 x 68 mm. (original), Hieron W fec et ex, M-H 403, A. 8, New Hollstein, 407.

f. 124, Last Supper, small oval, 33 x 26 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 125, Christ between Saints Peter and Paul, “Super hanc petram …; Vas electionis est ..,” 98 x 65 mm. (original), Hier. W. fe et ex, cum gratia et priv. Buschere. M-H 563, A 296, New Hollstein 727.

f. 126, Crucifixion, with Mary and John the Evangelist, small oval, 33 x 26 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 127, Nativity, small oval, 34 x 27 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 128, Crucifixion, with Mary and a Jesuit Saint (St. Ignatius?), “CHARITAS, HUMILITAS, OBEDENTIA, PATIENTIA, Pro puero isto …,” 96 x 65 mm. (original), Hier. Wierx fe et ex. M-H 1165, A 919, New Hollstein 1816.

f. 128v, “IHS,” monogram in Heart, with the Lamb of God, small oval, 34 x 27 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 130, Veronica holding Veil with the image of Christ, small oval, 34 x 26 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 131, Miracle at Cana, “Nuptie facte sunt …,” 79 x 60 mm. (original), Theod. Galle excud.

f. 132, Crucifixion, with Mary and John the Evangelist, 71 x 50 mm. (glued in), no signature. Unrecorded copy (?) of M-H 338, A. 240, New Hollstein 369 (Hieronymus W. after M. de Vos); our print reduced, without text and simplified.

f. 133v, Ecce Homo, “Si in viridis ligno …,” 79 x 60 mm. (original), Anton W. fecit. Hier. W. excud. M-H 516 II, A 211, New Hollstein 589 II.

f. 134, Mary (Mater Dolorosa), “Tuam ipsius animam …,” 82 x 60 mm. (original), Anton W. fecit. Hier. W. excud. M-H 779 II, A. 567, New Hollstein 922.

f. 135, Circumcision of Christ, “Circumcidebatur puer …,” 71 x 50 mm. (glued in), Theod. Galle excud.

f. 136, Scourging of Christ, “Ipse autem vulneratus …,” 109 x 71 mm. (full page, original), C. de Mallery fe. M-H 291a; copy of M-H 291, A 191, New Hollstein 328 (H. W. after Joh. Stradanes).

f. 137, Crucifixion with Mary and John, 72 x 47 mm. (glued in), Theod. Galle excud. See above, f. 132, M-H 338, A 240 and New Hollstein 369. This print is similar in composition, but much smaller and simplified.

f. 138, “ECCE HOMO,” 90 x 62 mm. (original), Hier. W. f et ex, cum gr. et pr. Buschere. M-H 308 A, A. 202, New Hollstein 338.

f. 140v, St. Jeanne,“S. Ioanna uxor Chusae …,” 80 x 57 mm. (glued in), Anton. Wierx fe et ex. M-H 1191, A 974, New Hollstein 1536 I.

f. 142, St. Alfonsus (St. Ildephonsus) with Mary, 86 x 67 mm. (glued in), no signature. Gold highlights, and “S. Alfonsus” added. M-H 1167 bis IIa is a copy by Theod. Galle of M-H 1167 bis, A 952 and 953; our print is an unrecorded copy; like M-H bis II a, it includes only three angels, but is smaller and reversed.

f. 147, Infant Christ within a heart in the Clouds, “Ego dormio et …,” 85 x 64 mm. (original), Hier. W. f et ex. M-H 480, A 1289, New Hollstein 466.

f. 150v, Ecstasy of St. Francis, “Desine dulciloquas Ales …,” 95 x 62 mm. (original), no signature. Cf. M-H 1138, A 907, New Hollstein 1437 (Hier. W. after Francesco Vanni). Our copy is smaller than Vanni’s original, but in the same direction (Hier. W. copy is reversed).

f. 152v, St. Hyacinth, S. Iacinctus, Polonus. S. Dominici socius …,” 100 x 71 mm. (original), C. de Mallery, fe. et ex.

f. 155v, Christ on Cross, Refuge against Temptations, “Quis ergo non separabit …,” 93 x 67 mm. (original), Hier. W. fe et ex. M-H 596, A 1157, New Hollstein 1811.

f. 159v, Infant Christ enclosed in a heart, surrounded by Clouds, “EXACTIO AMORIS, Indica mihi, quem diligit …,” 80 x 62 mm. (original), C. de Mallery ex. New Hollstein 466b; copy of M-H 480, A 1289, New Hollstein 466. See f. 147 above.

f.161v, Virgin and Child, “Ave Maria gratia plena,” 79 x 53 mm. (glued in), Hier. W. f et ex. M-H 797, A 537, New Hollstein 946.

f. 162v, (Title page), Adoration of the Infant Christ by Jesuit Saints, “ADMODUM REVERENDO IN CHRISTO PATRI P. CLAVDIO AQUAVIVA PRAEPOSITO GENERALI SOCIETATIS IESV. HIERONYMUS WIERX DD. FACIEBAT,” 108 x 64 mm. (original) Hier. W. f et ex, cum gr et priv. Buschere. M-H 419, A 1258, New Hollstein 512.

f. 164, Adoration of the Infant Christ by Angel Musicians, “Tu veram caeli …,” 96 x 65 mm. (original) Hier W f et ex. cum gr. et priv. Buschere. M-H 420, A 1259, New Hollstein 513 II.

f. 168, Adoration of the Infant Jesus by Churchmen,“Iesv Doctorum intima …,” 97 x 65 mm. (original) Hier W f et ex., cum gr. et priv. Buschere. M-H 421, A 1260, New Hollstein 514.

f. 171, Five Hearts with the Infant Playing Instruments, 96 x 65 mm. (original) Hier W f et ex., cum gr. et priv. Buschere. M-H 423, A 1262, New Hollstein 516 II.

f. 173, Infant Jesus and Jesuit Saints, “Iesu solamen vnicum …,” 96 x 64 mm. (original) Hier W f et ex., cum gr. et priv. Buschere. M-H 424, A 1263, New Hollstein 517 III.

f. 177, The Blood of Jesus, “Iesu fons virtus …,” 97 x 65 mm. (original) Hier W f et ex., cum gr. et priv. Buschere. M-H 426, A 1265, New Hollstein 519 II.

f. 179, Earthly and Heavenly Trinity (Holy Family Walking), 97 x 65 mm. (original) Hier W f et ex cum gr. et priv. Buschere. M-H 427, A 1266, New Hollstein 520.

f. 181v, St. Francis with the Crucified Christ, 98 x 70 mm. (original) Hier W f et ex, M-H 1142, A 909, New Hollstein 1453.

f. 186, St. Francis, “S. FRANCISCUS amor meus …,” 106 x 72 mm. (original), Theodor Galle excud. Corn Galle sculpsit.

f. 187v, Angels holding Monstrance, small oval, 29 x 22 mm., no text or signature.

f. 189, The Trinity, “Sic Deus dilexit …,” 93 x 65 mm. (original), Hier W f et ex. M-H 402, A 8 New Hollstein 407.

f. 191, God the Father Blessing, “PATER DE CAELIS DEUS, Benedictum nomen …,” 83 x 57 mm. (glued in), no signature, by Hieronymus Wierix, M-H 406, A 12 and 13, New Hollstein 411.

f. 193, Portrait of Christ, “SALVUS GENERIS HUMANI,” 80 x 57 mm. (glued in), no signature, by Hieronymus Wierix, M-H 490, New Hollstein 537.

f. 193v, Angel with IHS monogram, small oval, 28 x 23 mm. no signature

f. 195, Holy Spirit as a Dove, “SPIRITVS SANCTVS DEUS, Spiritus Domini …, “ 80 x 55 mm. (glued in), no signature, unrecorded copy of print by Anton and Hier. Wierix print, see M-H 605, A 12 and 13 bis, New Hollstein 412.

f. 196, Architectural Title Page, with text handwritten in Gold ink, 82 x 57 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 199, Rosary, the Joyful Mysteries (palm enclosing five roundels), 123 x 79 mm. (full page, original), no signature or text, by Anton Wierix, M-H 1338, A 477, New Hollstein 896.

f. 201, Rosary, the Sorrowful Mysteries (thorn bush with five roundels), 123 x 79 mm. (full page, original), no signature or text, by Anton Wierix, M-H 1339, A 478, New Hollstein 897.

f. 203, Rosary, the Glorious Mysteries, 123 x 79 mm. (full page, original), no signature or text, by Anton Wierix, M-H 1340, A 479, New Hollstein 898.

f. 205, St. Dominic Receiving the Rosary from the Virgin, “Ave Maria gratia plena …,” 110 x 72 mm. (full page, original), Ant W f. Hier W. ex. M-H 117 III, A 898, New Hhollstein 1424 III.

101 f. 206, Adoration of the Magi, 73 x 49 mm. (glued in), no text, no signature.

f. 206v, Annunciation, small oval, with beaded border, 39 x 34 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 207, Annunciation to the Shepherds, with oval frame within a rectangle, flowers at corners, 73 x 41 mm. (glued in), no text, no signature, but probably I. Messagier. Related prints, see ff. 210v (signed by I Messagier), f. 211 (signed by I Messagier), and 211v.

f. 207v, Virgin and St. Elizabeth, small oval, beaded border, 39 x 35 mm. (glued in), no text or signature.

f, 207v, Scourging of Christ, numbered “7,” 54 x 49 mm. (glued in), no text or signature. Related prints, see ff. 208v, and 209v.

f. 208, Nativity, small oval, with beaded border, 37 x 33 mm. no text, no signature.

f. 208v, Christ, crowning with thorns, numbered “1,” 69 x 49 mm. (glued in), no text, no signature.

f. 209, Three Magi, “Ecce Magi ab oriente …,” 75 x 49 mm. (original), Theod. Galle excud.

f. 209v, Christ Carrying the Cross, numbered “10,” 72 x 49 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 210, Christ teaching in the Temple, “Invenerunt illum in templo …,” 73 x 43 mm. (glued in), Theod. Galle excud.

f. 210v, Crucifixion, with oval frame within a rectangle, flowers at corners, 73 x 43 mm. (glued in), I Messagier excud.

f. 211, Resurrection, oval frame within a rectangle, flowers at corners, 72 x 41 mm. (glued in), I Messagier excud.

f. 211v, Christ on the Tomb, with Instruments of the Passion, oval frame within rectangle, 70 x 40 mm. (glued in), no signature, but probably I Messagier.

f. 212, Assumption of Mary, “Assumptio Beatissimae …,” 72 x 41 mm. (glued in), Theod. Galle excud.

f. 212v, Coronation of Mary, “Veni de Libano sponsa mea …,” 67 x 51 mm. (glued in), no signature, possibly by Theod. Galle. Not a copy of the Coronation by Hier. Wierix, but similar composition to MH 688, A 504.

f. 213, Virgin and Child, with Mary holding a Rosary, small oval with beaded frame, 38 x 35 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 213v, Christ as Shepherd, tiny oval, 22 x 18 mm. (glued in), no text or signature, but the same type as the devotional images by Ioan. Wierix, New Hollstein 671-672,

f. 214, Virgin and Child on Crescent Moon, tiny oval, 23 x 20 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 215, Mary on Crescent Moon, “Pulchra vt Luna …,” 92 x 59 mm. (glued in), Hier W fe et ex, M-H 707a, A 51, new Hollstein 915 (after Johannes Stradanus).

f. 215v, Mary and Angels, “S. VIRGO VIRGINVM, Adducentur Regi Virgines …,” 81 x 56 mm. (glued in), Ant. W. fe et ex. M-H 703, A 43, New Hollstein 931.

f. 220v, Crucifixion, tiny oval, 27 x 20 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 222, Mater Dolorosa, “Tuam ipsius animam …,” 83 x 63 mm. (glued in), Hier W f et ex, M-H 777, A 568, New Hollstein 927.

f. 223, Mater dolorosa, “Dolor meus …,” 81 x 61 mm. (glued in), Hier W f et ex, M-H 782, A 555, New Hollstein 929.

f. 225, Virgin and Child, tiny oval, 22 20 mm. (glued in), no text or signature, but the same type to the devotional images by Ioan. Wierix, New Hollstein 671-672.

f. 226, Heads of the Virgin and Christ, small oval images, side by side, 19 x 28 mm. (glued in), no text or signature, but but the same type to the devotional images by Ioan. Wierix, New Hollstein 670.

f. 227, Bernard and the Virgin; the Miracle of Lactation, “Monstra te …,” 92 x 65 mm. (glued in), H. W. f et ex, M-H 1082, A 864, New Hollstein 1361.

f. 228v, Virgin and Child standing on a Crescent, small oval, 33 x 28 mm. (glued in), no text or signature.

f. 230, Virgin standing on a Crescent, small oval, 22 x 17 mm. (glued in), no text or signature.

f. 230, Ecce homo, small oval, 17 x 7 mm. (glued in), no text or signature.

f. 231, Annunciation (reversed with the Angel on the right), 33 x 26 mm. no text or signature.

f. 232, Virgin and Child with seven roundels showing the joyful events in the Virgin’s life, “Benedicta est tu …, “ 98 x 70 mm. (original), A. Collaert excud.

f. 233, Virgin pierced by a sword, with seven roundels of her sorrows, “Quis dabit capiti meo …,” 96 x 68 mm. (original), A. Collaert excud.

f. 234, Virgin and Child, “Ave gratia plena …,” 80 x 54 mm. (glued in), H. W. f et ex, M-H 797a, A 537, New Hollstein 946.

f. 235, Christ and Mary in oval frames, two small rectangles, side by side, 18 x 28 mm. (glued in).

f. 239, Virgin and Child seated under a Baldachin, “Ego dilectio meo ..,” 97 x 65 mm. (original), H. W. f et ex, M-H 756, A 592, New Hollstein 993.

f. 243, Virgin and Child, half-length, “Fecit mihi …,” 80 x 58 mm. (glued in), A. W. f., H. W. exc. M-H 737 II, A 593, New Hhollstein 935 II.

f. 245, the Virgin, with a floral border, “SANCTA DEI GENETRIX, ora pro nos” 100 x 67 mm. (original), Theod Galle excud.

f. 246, Virgin and Child with St. Anne, “Desiderium pauperum …,” 82 x 63 mm. (glued in), H W fe et ex., M-H 455, A. 506, New Hollstein 455.

f. 247, Virgin with the Sleeping Jesus (in bed), “Ecce tu pulcher ..,” 86 x 63 mm., H. W. f. et ex., M-H 462, A 588, New Hollstein 779.

f. 247v, Baptism of Christ, small oval, 22 x 18 mm. no text or signature.

f. 249, St. Michael, “S. MICHAEL,” 92 x 62 mm. (glued in), A. Collaert excud. Unrecorded copy of Hieronymus Wierix print after M. de Vos, which is larger, 290 x 200 mm., with more elaborate drapery and other details, M-H 260, New Hollstein 1084.

f. 250, St. Roche, “S. Roche Patronne pestis, ora pro nobis,” 107 x 67 mm. H. W. exc. M-H 1281, A 1069, New Hollstein 1308 II.

f. 251, Annunciation to the Sheperds, “Et ecce angelus ..,” 72 x 45 mm. (glued in), Theod. Galle excud.

f. 253, St. John the Baptist, “Ecce agnus dei ..,” 81 x 62 mm. (original), Hier. W. f et ex, M-H 1176, A. 966, New Hollstein, 1549.

f. 254, St. John the Baptist, “S. IOANNES BAPTISTA. Fuit homo missus a Deo,” 81 x 58 mm. (glued in), Anton Wierx fecit. H. W. excudit. New Hollstein 1538 II (state unknown to M-H; cf. M-H 1180).

f. 255, St. Peter, “S. PETRUS. Beatus est Simon Bar …,” 81 x 58 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. H. W. ex. M-H 956 (3) II, New Hollstein 1124 II.

f. 256, St. Andrew, “S. ANDREAS, Dilexit Andream dominus …,” 81 x 60 mm. (glued in), Ant. W. fe. H. W. ex. M-H 957 (4) II, A 702, New Hollstein 1125 II.

f. 257, St. James the Greater “S. IACOBUS, Bonum est confitieri …” 81 x 58 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. H. W. ex. M-H 958 (5) II, A703, New Hollstein 1126 II.

f. 258, St. John the Evangelist, “S. IOANNES, Discipulis quem diligebat ..” 82 x 61 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. H. W. ex. M-H 867 II, A 668, New Hollstein 1092 II.

f. 259, St. Thomas, “S. THOMAS, Eamus et moriamur …,” 82 x 58 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. H. W. ex. M-H 966 (14) II, New Hollstein 1134 II.

f. 260, St. James the Lesser, “S. IACOBUS MINOR, Agite nunc diutes …,” 82 x 58 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. H. W. ex. M-H 959 (7) II, A 705, New Hollstein 1127 II.

f. 261, St. Phillip, “S. PHILLIPVUS, Domine ostende …,” 81 x 58 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. H. W. ex. M-H 960 (8) II, A 706, New Hollstein 1128 II.

f. 262, St. Bartholomew, “S. BARTHOLOMAEUS, In lege domini …” 82 x 58 (original), Ant. W. fe. H. W. ex. M-H 962 (10) II, A 708, New Hollstein 1130 II.

f. 263, St. Matthew, “S. MATTAEUS. Et surgens secutus …,” 81 x 58 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. H. W. ex. M-H 961 (9) II, A 707, New Hollstein 1129 II.

f. 264, St. Simon, “S. SYMON, Ego elegi vos …,” 82 x 58 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. H. W. ex. M-H 963 (11) II. A 709 and 1081, New Hollstein 1131 II.

f. 265, St. Thadaeus, “S. TADEUS, Vae illis qui …,” 82 x 58 (original), Ant. W. fe. H. W. ex. M-H 964 II, A 710, New Hollstein 1132 II.

f. 266, St. Matthias, “S. MATTHIAS, Et cecidit …,” 82 x 58 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. H. W. ex. M-H 965 (13) II, A. 711 and 1046, New Hollstein 1833 II.

f. 267, St. Barnabas, “S. BARNABAS APOST. Vir bonus et …,” 82 x 58 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. H. W. ex. M-H 968 (16) II, A 712, New Hollstein 1136 II.

f. 268, St. Mark, “S. MARCUS, Initium eunagelii …,’ 82 x 58 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. H. W. ex. M-H 865 (2) II, A 666, New Hollstein 1090 II.

f. 269, St. Stephen, “Adhaesit anima mea … lapidata est …,” 87 x 65 mm. (original), Hier. W. f et ex, M-H 1124, A 904

f. 270, St. Lawrence, “Adhaesit anima mea .. igne cremata est …,” 83 x 62 mm. (original), Hier W f et ex, M-H 1213, A 1000, New Hollstein 1572.

f. 271, St. Vincent, “S. VINCENTIUS Martyr, Pretiosa in conspectu …,” 93 x 65 mm. (original), no signature.

f. 272, St. Sebastian, “Mihi vivere Christus est …,” 84 x 65 mm. (glue in), Hier W f et ex, M-H 1285 II, A 1075, New Hollstein 1635.

f. 272v, St. Christopher, “S. Christophore Patrone pestis ora pro nobis …,” 98 x 68 mm. (original), Hier. W. ex. M-H 1109 II, A 891, New Hollstein 1311.

f. 273v, St. Stanislaus,” S. STANISLAVS EP ET MAR Mortuus exaudit ..,” 90 x 65 mm. (glued in), 1605, Roma cum licentia superior, Malthaus Greuter sc.

f. 276, St. Adalbertus, “S. ADALBERTUS ARCHIEP ET MR. His me sponsatsti …,” 90 x 65 mm. (glued in), 1605 Roma cum licentia superior. Malthaus Greuter sc.

f. 277, St. Gregory, “S. GREGORIUS, Peregrinos quotidie …,” 80 x 57 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. Hier W ex. M-H 993 (4) II, A 944, New Hollstein 1222 II.

f. 278, St. Jerome, “S. HIERONYMUS, Hereticos acerrimis ..,” 80 x 57 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. Hier W ex. M-H 990 (1) II, New Hollstein 1219 II.

f. 279, St. Ambrose, “S. AMBROSIUS, Secutus errantem ….,’ 80 x 57 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. Hier W ex. M-H 991 (2) II, A. 837, New Hollstein 1220 II.

f. 280, St. Augustine, “S. AUGUSTINUS, Sagittaureas tu Dominie …,” 80 x 55 mm. (original), Ant W fe. Hier W ex. M-H 992 (3) II, A 853, New Hollstein 1221 II.

f. 281, St. Martin, “S. MARTINUS EPISCOPUS, Nec mori timuit …,” 81 x 57 mm. (original), Ant W fe. Hier W ex. M-H 1258 II, A 1045, New Hollstein 1220 II.

f. 282, St. Martin, “Martinus catechumenus hac me veste …,” 85 x 65 mm. (original), Adria. Collaert excudit. Compositional similarities to the print by Antonius II Wierix after Marten de Vos; see New Hollstein 1593.

f. 283, St. Nicholas, “S. NICOLAUS EP, Omnium consensus …,” 82 x 58 mm. (original), Ant. W fe. Hier W ex. M-H 1268 II, A 1056, New Hollstein 1619.

f. 284, St. Benedict, “S. BENEDICTUS,” 85 x 68 mm. (original), no signature. Unrecorded copy; cf. M-H 1078, A 859, New Hollstein 1353 by Hieronymus Wierix; our print reversed, smaller, and with some changes.

f. 285, St. Bernard, “VERA EFFIGIES DIVI BERNARDI IN MONASTERIO, Homo vivit ..,” 109 x 68 mm. (original), C. de Mallery, f. et ex.

f. 286, St. Bernard, “S. Bernardus super Cant. serm. 43, Fasciculus myrrho …,” 81 x 59 (glued in), Hier. W. f et ex. M-H 1081, A 863, New Hollstein 1358.

f. 287, St. Bernard (?), within a tree, surrounded by supplicants, “Et erit folium …,” 87 x 58 mm. (glued in), Thomas de Leu, fecit.

f. 289, St. Robert, “S. ROBERTUS ABBAS,” 88 x 65 mm. (original), no signature. Not identified among published prints by Hieronymus Wierix, but very similar in setting and general composition to prints like St. Amelberga, M-H 1054, A 838, New Hollstein 1319, and St. Elizabeth of Hungary, M-H 1121, New Hollstein 1428.

f. 290, St. Dominic, “S. DOMINICVS, Ego sicut oliua …,” 82 x 58 mm. (original), Ant. W. f., Hier W ex. M-H 1115 II, A 897, New Hollstein 1422.

f. 291, St. Francis, “S. FRANCISCUS, Franciscus pauper …,” 80 x 58 mm. (original), Ant. W f., Hier W ex. M-H 1134, A 913, New Hollstein 1439 II.

f. 292, St. Anthony, “S. ANTONIUS, Fratres pertinescit …,” 79 x 56 mm. (original), Ant. W f., Hier W ex. M-H 1059, A 842, New Hollstein 1325 II.

f. 292v, St. Thomas Aquinas, “S. THOMAS AQUINAS, Thomas flos charitum …,” 69 x 43 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 293, St. Albert, “S. ALBERTUS, Angelico dominum numerum …,” 112 x 69 mm. (full page, blank on verso, original), C. de Mallery fecit.

f. 294, S. Iacinctus, “S. IACINCTVS Polonus. S. Dominici socius …,” 103 x 68 mm. (full page, original), C. de Mallery fecit.

f. 295, St. Catherine, “S. CATHARINA, Ecce sponsus venit …,” 81 x 58 mm. (glued in), Peter Ouerradt excudit. Unrecorded copy, reversed, of M-H 1087, A 868, New Hollstein 1392.

f. 296, St. Barbara, “S. BARBARA, Virgo cogitat …,” 80 x 54 mm. (original), Hier W f et ex, cum gratia et priv. Buschere. M-H 1072, A 854, New Hollstein 1343.

f. 297, St. Ursula, “S. VRSULA, Vrsa rates, nautasque …,” 78 x 56 mm. (original), R. Sadeler.

f. 298, St. Agatha, “S. AGATHA, In Domino confido …,” 83 x 58 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. Hier W ex. M-H 1051, A 835, New Hollstein 1315 II.

f. 299, St. Apollonia, “S. APOLLONIA, Omnis ponderatio non est digna …,” 81 x 56 mm. (original), Hier W f et ex, M-H 1071, A 852, New Hollstein 1339.

f. 300, St. Lucy, “S. LVCIA, Nostra diua faue Lucia …,” 83 x 57 mm. (original), Ant. W. fe. Hier W ex. M-H 1223, A 1012, New Hollstein 1576 II.

f. 301, St. Margaret, “S. MARGARITA, Inventa una preciosa …,” 82 x 57 mm. (original), Anton W fe. Hier W ex. M-H 1229, A 1040, New Hollstein 1584 II.

f. 301v, St. Genevieve, “S. GENOVEFA,” 72 x 43 mm. (glued in), I. Grantho exc.

f. 302, St. Scholastica, “S. SCHOLASTICA, Que sursum sunt ….,” 83 x 54 mm. (original), Hier W fe et ex, cum gratia et priv. Buschere. M-H 1284, A 1072, New Hollstein 1350 II.

f. 303v, St. Clare, “S. CLARA, Quam pulcra est …,” 80 x 55 mm. (original), Hier W fe et ex, cum gratia et priv Buschere. M-H 1113, A 892, New Hollstein 1419 III.

f. 306,“S. BREGITTA,” 50 x 37 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 307v, St. Elizabeth, “S. ELIZABETH REGINA,” 90 x 60 mm. (original), no signature. Unrecorded copy, with some compositional changes of M-H 1121, New Hollstein 1428 (signed Jeh. Wiricx ex).

f. 308, Infant Christ Bearing the Instruments of the Passion, “In laboribus a iuventute …,” 90 x 60 mm. (original), Hier W fe et ex, cum gratia et priv. Buschere. M-H 485 A, New Hollstein 439.

f. 320, St Francis Holding the Infant Christ, “Fili praebe mihi …,” 108 x 68 mm. (original), H. W. f et ex cum gratia et priv. Buschere. M-H 1140, A 912, New Hollstein 1451 I.

f. 321, The Christian Knight Trampling upon Carnal Desire, “SPIRITALE (sic) XIANA MILITIS CERTAMEN, Spiritu ambulate …,” 94 x 73 mm. (glued in), H W f et ex. M-H 1469, A 1235, New Hollstein 1796.

f. 323, The Christian Knight, “MILES CHRISTIANVS,” 92 x 60 mm. (glued in), H. W. f et ex. M-H 1467, A 1233, New Hollstein 1793 (after Girolamo Olgiato).

f. 324, Divine Love, “DIVINUS AMOR, Divus amor …,” 109 x 70 mm. (original), H. W. f et ex. Cum gratia et priv. [Buschere, trimmed]. M-H 1466, A 1197, New Hollstein 1714.

f. 325, The Example of Offering, “OBLATIO MYSTICA, Vouete et reddite …,” 79 x 61 mm. (original), Ch. Mallery ex. Unrecorded copy of M-H 1458, A 1227, New Hollstein 1740 (cf. M-H 1456a and 1457a by Karel de Mallery; our plate not recorded).

f. 326, The Example of Obedience, “TYPUS OBEDENTIE, Mors Christi curx …,” 79 x 60 mm. (glued in), no signature. Not included in M-H or A; cf. New Hollstein 1741, I Messager ex.

f. 327, The Example of Poverty, “TYPUS PAUPERTATIS, Clamat stabulum …,” 84 x 60 mm. (original), C. de Mallery ex. M-H 1457 a; copy of M-H 1456, A 1243, New Hollstein 1739.

f. 328, The Example of Chastity, “TYPUS CASTITATIS, Sit vobis ….,” 83 x 62 mm. (glued in), C. de Mallery ex. M-H 1456a; copy of M-H 1456, A 612, New Hollstein 1738.

f. 332, All is Vanity, Death Victorious, “Omne quod est …,” 99 x 70 mm. (original), H. W. f et ex. M-H 1488 III, A 1184, New Hhollstein 1839 III.

f. 335, Coat of Arms, supported by two skeletons, “MEMORARE NOVISSIMATA, Flores si scire …,” 99 x 70 mm. (original), Hier W f et ex. M-H 1486, A 1183, New Hollstein 1840.

f. 337, Ecce Homo, “Omnis qui praeterierit …,” 80 x 53 mm. (original), H. W. f et ex. M-H 522a, A 208, New Hollstein 600.

f. 340, Christ on bare white Cross, “O crux aue spes …,” 93 x 63 mm. (original), no signature, Unrecorded copy (?) of M-H 549, New Hollstein 626, 628, 630 (Hieronymus Wierix, after Maarten de Vos); our copy has a different legend, is unsigned, and lacks the outer clouds.

f. 341v, Christ Seated, small oval, 25 x 22 mm. (glued in), no text or signature.

f. 342, Ecce Homo, “Debita flagra …,” 96 x 67 mm. (glued in), Anton. W fe et ex. M-H 523, A 200, New Hollstein 599.

f. 343, Christ Seated on His Tomb “Huic sub mole …,” 92 x 63 mm. (original) Pet. Firens ex. Similar to M-H 533, A 1149, New Hollstein 618 (Antonius II Wierix); our print reversed, smaller, with different text, and with some compositional details altered.

f. 344, Crucifixion, “Filius ecce Dei …,” 110 x 73 mm. (full page, original) Theodor. Galle excud. Some similarities to New Hollstein 368-369 (by Hieronymus Wierix after Maatren de Vos).

f. 349, St. Bernard, “VERA EFFIGIES D. S. BERNARDI, Salvete O Christi …,” 78 x 63 mm. (glued in), no signature.

f. 354, Crucifixion with Mary and St. John, “Plansuerunt super te …,” 79 x 53 mm. (glued in), Hier W f et ex. M-H 341, A 249, New Hollstein 363.

f. 355, Ignatius of Loyola and the Vision of La Storta, “Si quis vult …,” 110 x 71 mm. (full page, original), Hier W f et ex. M-H 1157, New Hollstein 1533.

f. 359, Crucifixion, “O vos omnes …,” 95 x 62 mm. (glued in), Hier W f et ex. M-H 318, A 247, New Hollstein 354.

f. 363v, Pietà, “Fasciculus myrrhae …,” 84 x 63 mm. (original), Hier W fe et ex. M-H368, A 268, New Hollstein 704 II.

f. 371, Nativity, “Itinerant Mariam …,” 80 x 54 mm. (glued in), Theodor Galle excud.

f. 372, Christ seated on the Stone before the Cross, “Videte si …,” 60 x 39 mm. (glued in), Thedore Galle excud.

f. 372v, Mary and St. John holding the Dead Christ, “Livore eius …,” 58 x 38 mm. (glued in), Theodor Galle excud. Unrecorded copy of M-H 378, A 271, New Hollstein 721 (Antonius II Wierix); our copy much smaller.

Illustrated by 221 engravings, this manuscript, all by itself, forms an instant and remarkable collection of engravings by artists in the early seventeenth century. The majority of the engravings (119) are by the Wierix brothers, who were among the most productive engravers in late sixteenth and early seventeenth century Antwerp: Johannes (Jan, Hans) (1549-ca. 1620) or 1549- c. 1618); Hieronymus (Jerome) (1553-1619); and Antonius II (Anton II) (1555/9-1604). Most of these are by Jerome and Anton II, with two, and possibly three, by Hans. All three worked as reproductive engravers, and were artists in their own right as well. They were especially known for their religious prints, and although they may have been Protestant by upbringing, it is likely they returned to Catholicism; certainly their prints were esp. important elements in the Catholic Reformation. Despite the religious focus of most of their work, they were infamous for their dissolute living and drinking. (in an often quoted letter, the publisher Christopher Plantin complained to Ferdinand Ximenes in 1587 that the only way to employ the brothers was to go look for them in the taverns, pay their debts so they could recover their tools, and then lock them up to work).

The three brothers served as their own “editeurs” for the most part; they entrusted their work to contemporary “editeurs” from Antwerp including Pierre Baltens, Philippe Galle Jean Saedler and others, and the later, Theodore Galle. Parisians Paul de la Houve, Pierre Firens and Jean Messager were also used, who disseminated originals and copies, most of these copies were by C. de Mallery (also an “editeur,” who lived in Paris).

The Wierix prints have been well studied, from Alvin, to M-H, to New Hollstein; This corpus proves there are additional discoveries to make (see especially the prints highlighted in the description of the engravings, above), and include many copies and variants not catalogued in the New Hollstein. For example: f. 87, variant of M-H 781, 781A, not found by M-H but listed by Alvin; dropped by New Hollstein, found here.

f. 325, Example of Offering, C. de Mallery after Johannes W; not in New Hollstein

f. 340, Variant of Christ on bare white Cross). Also represented are prints by Theodore Galle (13, possibly 14), Karel de Mallery (d. after 1635) (12), Adrian Collaert (4), Jean Messagier (3, possibly 5), Matthaeus (or Malthaus) Greuter (2), Thomas de Leu (1555-1612) (2), Raphael Saedler (the Elder?, 1561-1628/32) (1), Pierre Firens (1), I. Grantho (1), I G Thome (1), PDL or LPD, and LB and Peter Overradt (1).

As an object, this collection of and spiritual exercises, which emphasize interior devotion, and which use the numerous images provided by the engravings as an integral part of the text, is a remarkable witness to the piety flourishing in a Cistercian monastery in Poland in the early seventeenth century. Two other seventeenth-century hybrid manuscripts exist, illustrated with Wierix engravings: Bruges, Stadsbibliothek HS 676, from the library of E. Hourtart, in Dutch in Latin, 141 x 96, 263 ff. (see R. A. Parmentier, Beschrijving van de getijden en gebenbocken van het kabinet Houtart te Brugge, Bruges 1929, Handschrift IV, 65-121, with 27 prints; and Antwerp, Ruusbroecgenootschap, HS 452 (See the introduction to the New Hollstein, cited below, xxix, note 62).


Alvin, Louis, Catalouge raisonné de l’oeuvre gravé des trois frères, Jean, Jérôme et Antoine Wierix, Brussels, 1866, with Supplements 1870 and 1873.

de Hamel, Christopher. The Rothscilds and their Collections of Illuminated Manuscripts, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2004.

Landau, David and Peter Parshall, The Renaisance Print 1470-1550, London and New Haven, 1994.

Mauquoy-Hendrickx, Marie, Les Estampes des Wierix conserves au Cabinet des Estampes de la Bibliothèque royal Albert Ier: Catalogue raisonné, Brussels, 1978-83.

The New Hollstein. Dutch and Flemish Etchings, Engravings, and Woodcuts 1450-1700. The Wierix Family, by Zsuzsanna van Ruyven-Zeman and Marjolein Leesberg, Rotterdam: Sound and Vision Publishers, 2004.

Online resources

“Cistercian Track in Poland; Pelplin”

Van de Velde, Carl, “Wierix; 1. Jan Wierix, 2. Jerome Wierix, 3. Anton Wierix II, Grove Art Online;
